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Drivers Ed Direct Parking Game

Here's your chance to prove that you can! See how long it takes you to park one of our new, fully equipped drivers training vehicles - a Toyota Prius. The quicker you can park the driver training car the more game points you score. But scoring a fast time isn't the only objective of this drivers ed game. You'll also be judged on your ability to pull off the perfect parking job without damaging the driving school car. If you can park the car quickly without scratching the bumper, you're on your way to becoming a parking game pro!

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Drivers Ed Direct Parking Game

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Drivers Ed Direct Parking Game

Here's your chance to prove that you can! See how long it takes you to park one of our new, fully equipped drivers training vehicles - a Toyota Prius. The quicker you can park the driver training car the more game points you score. But scoring a fast time isn't the only objective of this drivers ed game. You'll also be judged on your ability to pull off the perfect parking job without damaging the driving school car. If you can park the car quickly without scratching the bumper, you're on your way to becoming a parking game pro!
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Now Click And then,click " Allow " in the box that appears in the top-left to play the game.Shown like the following: